
NUAE Graduation Ceremony 2015

Friday, July 24, 2015

As a part of 2014-2015 work plan, on July 6th National University of Art Education solemnly held a graduation ceremony at the university’s Music Performing Center for full-time undergraduate students (both university and college levels), including students of Music Education (cohort 6), Fine Arts Education (cohort 6), Cultural Management (cohort 5), Fashion Design (cohort 5), Graphic Design (cohort 2), Painting (cohort 1), Music Education (cohort 43, college level) and Fine Arts Education (cohort 43, college level).

Present at the event were Prof.Dr. Pham Le Hoa – Communist Party Secretary, NUAE’s Rector, members of the Board of Rectors, deans, heads of departments, staff, lecturers and 649 this year’s graduates.

National University of Art Education is a prestigious institution, which specializes in art education. For many years, a great number of qualified art teachers have graduated from NUAE and contributed to the art education of the country. Developing its own strength, NUAE has enhanced learning and teaching quality, opened new majors, changed admissions scheme to create more opportunities for students to enroll in studying at NUAE. The quality of graduated students has also been improved remarkably.

Addressing the ceremony, Prof.Dr. Pham Le Hoa congratulated the initial success of the graduates and shared his hope for their continuous practice and strong will to cope with the future challenges and contribute to the development of the country. That was also the desire of all NUAE’s staff and lecturers.


Prof.Dr. Pham Le Hoa – Communist Party Secretary, NUAE’s Rector speaking at the ceremony


On this occasion, representing 649 student graduates, Loc Thi Lien (K6B Music Education) shared her thoughts and feelings after 4 years of study at NUAE and promised to apply the professional knowledge to serve the country. After her speech, Lien presented flowers to the Rector to express her sincere gratitude to NUAE’s staff and lecturers, who had created the best conditions for the graduates to complete their course successfully.


Loc Thi Lien speaking at the event


At the end of the event, Ms. Ha Thanh Huong – Director of Academic Affairs announced the decision of the graduation recognition and graduation rank for 360 Music Education and Fine Arts Education graduates, 141 Cultural Management and Fashion Design graduates, 101 Graphic Design graduates, 14 Painting graduates, 33 Music Education and Fine Art Education graduates (college level). Among those, 02 student graduates were awarded high distinction degree and 48 were awarded distinction degree.


Ms. Ha Thanh Huong – Director of Academic Affairs announcing decision of graduation recognition and graduation rank


The event was seen as a final report of learning process, showing the efforts of these students, as well as the evidence, confirming NUAE’s training quality. The staff and lecturers hoped for future success of the graduates.

Photos at the ceremony:


Prof.Dr. Pham Le Hoa conferring degree for excellent graduates


Ms. Luu Thi Phat – Head of Office of Student Affairs announcing decision of Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism to award NUAE’s students, participating “Young talent for students at school of culture, sport and tourism” contest and award decision for excellent graduates (cohort 2011-2015)


Dr. Dao Dang Phuong awarding students, who won bronze medals at “Young talent for students at school of culture, sport and tourism” contest


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Trinh Hoai Thu awarding certificates of merit to excellent students

Prof.Dr. Pham Le Hoa conferring distinction degree


Dr. Tran Dinh Tuan conferring credit degree