In the evening of January 13th 2008, there was an art exchange performance between the choirs of National University of Art Education and Plymouth State University at the Concert hall of National University of Art Education. The US choral society including 20 lectures and students of Music Deparment at Plymouth State University was led by Dr. Daniel Perkins - Professor of music and Director of Choral Department. This performance created chance of learning from many kinds of music to lecturers and students of National University of Art Education. It also attracted many staff, lecturers and students of our university. The art exchange night started with the choral performance of Department of music education at National University of Art Education with the songs: 'May ngu', 'The singing in the Pac-bo forest', 'The Cua Tung Wave' and 'Ly ngua o' conducted by Lecturer Le Vinh Hung. The choral performance continued with songs: Exultate justi in domino (German), Ave Maria (Estonian), Caritas et amor, Tell the Earth to Shake, In Dreams, Peace Like a River.... Especially, the combined choirs of National University of Art Education conducted by Dr. Daniel made a good impression on audience.

The choral performance of Department of music education
at National University of Art Education
The choral performance Plymouth State University
The combined choirs of National University of art Education
and Plymouth State University
Dr.Sc. Pham Le Hoa - Rector of University gave flowers and
made speech at the art performance exchange night
Dr.Sc. Pham Le Hoa - Rector of University impressed in his speech at the art performance exchange night: 'It is essential to inherite the beautiful tradition of peoples and selected culture of mankind in the era of globalization'. Thus, the invitation to Plymouth State University was significant to help our lecturers and students get to know modern and wonderful things of the world arts in general and the European arts in particular. He also affirmed that: 'This is a good, meaningful, impressive beginning between two universities and it is also an important foundation as well as a cultural and diplomatic linksbetween the two nations'.