In the bustling and animated atmosphere of the first day of the academic year of 2007-2008, the Faculty of Fine Arts Education of the Central Teachers’ University of Arts opened “student’s picture-gallery” in the exhibition hall of the university. This is a regular activity of arts students. Taking part in the ceremony and cutting the opening ceremony band are Pro. Dr. Sc. Banh Tien Long - Permanent Deputy Minister of Ministry of Education and Training, Dr. Vu Viet Hung - Director of the Department of Central Propaganda and Training, Dr. Sc Pham Le Hoa - Party Committee Secretary and Rector of the university, Dr. Vu Van Hau - Deputy Party Committee Secretary and Vice Rector of the university, Dr. Pham Trong Toan - Vice Rector of the university and a large number of cards, teachers and students of the university as well.
This gallery displayed 52 pictures (works) with various topics, materials and styles. These works are considered as students’ praiseworthy results of study and practice which show their loves of arts and their abilities of creation as well as their self-study abilities. Furthermore, these are also regarded as the deep respects and thanks of the university's students and teachers for the Party Committee, the Managing Board and all people who love fine arts on the occasion of the first day of the academic year.
Up to now, there have been quite a lot of students’ art exhibitions which have been held by the university and its Faculty of Fine Arts Education but this gallery only displayed a number of works which are admitted to being done by various materials in highly professional manners. Seven lacquer paintings, ten silk paintings, fifteen water colors and 20 oil paintings made by college-level students of K34, university-level students of K3 (in cooperation), in-service training students of K2 have brought the new face and new atmosphere for the gallery.
In terms Hof lacquer paintings (made by university-level students of K3 in cooperation with other universities), most of works reflect people's activities such as industrial, agricultural production activities and daily living activities of people who live in the mountainous areas. The standing point of this type of works is their structures of works which let us see students' preoccupation and effort to find out the best way to express strikingly nice images and elements of the pictures such as 'inside the ship producing workshop', 'mountainous market'. Especially, some of works are the clear evidences for great processes of students’ creating styles and organizational structures of their works which are deemed to beyond the scope of their lessons. There have not been many of works containing materials which can bring strong impression to people; however, it is obvious that students thoroughly research on techniques and skills using traditional materials. Therefore, the unique of lacquer painting has made good impression on people. This is one of apparent evidences for the hard and very good study of students in the class and their self-studies as well.
Besides, this gallery of student's pictures also includes ten silk paintings and twenty oil paintings which have topics on countryside, fishing villages, mountainous areas, and daily family activities and so on. These works really made good impression on people. The mentioned topics have not been new topics which are reflected by students in ordinary and simple but highly impressed manners. With characteristics of materials and their loves of art creation, students make people feel the apparent and active beauty of countryside and landscapes of mountainous areas of Vietnam.
Noticeably, there are fifteen water color paintings. These are very good works of students belonging to K34 of the Central pedagogic College of Music and painting. Objectively, students use water color materials in the more comfortable way for their paintings and it is that way which leads to the success of their works. For all types of topics including landscape, working activities or festival ones, it is apparent that students are very good at using materials. The village pond with colorful flower trellis, the excited festival of Trieu Khuc Village, the green macaw hills stretching out unlimitedly in the midland region, or the indigo-blue landscape in the northwest region are some typical examples of success of students in their works.
With respect to water color material works, happily, students have got out the traditional view which was considered as unable to change. There are no deep brown pictures pursuant to the traditional view which has exited for decades. This year, there have been a number of colorful works with broad-minded style expressing the emotion and love of artist-students towards the life. This is an extremely importance for the every student's life-work.
After enjoying the student’s picture-gallery and attending the ceremony, Pro. Dr. Sc. Banh Tien Long - Permanent Deputy Minister of Ministry of Education and Training commented that was a nice picture-gallery and he highly appreciated the study result of fine art students, the big contribution of teacher staff as well as all activities of the university. He also believes that thanks to its tradition of training teachers of arts for decades and its teacher staff who are rich in experience and love their jobs, the university will fulfill its targets and tasks in the new period of time being worthy of cradle of training teachers of arts for the whole country of Vietnam.
Dinh Tien Hieu
Faculty of Fine Arts Education

Dr. Vu Viet Hung - Director of the Department of Central Propaganda and Training, Dr. Sc Pham Le Hoa - the Rector of the University cut the opening ceremony band.
Pro. Dr. Sc. Banh Tien Long - Permanent Deputy Minister of Ministry of Education and Training and Dr. Sc Pham Le Hoa - the Rector of the University visit the student’s picture-gallery.