Dr.sc Pham Le Hoa
1. Innovation of higher education is the issue arousing great number of educators’ interests more than ever. Numerous scientific research works on higher education have been disclosed to create / affirm the almost new ways of the world educational development. The most well-known universities in the world are the educational establishments that mainly focus on innovation of higher education. There are 4314 higher education establishments in which the private universities are in a majority. Nowadays even Harvard University which is considered as the most famous in the world is private university. American researchers on American higher Education said in a recent report: “ There hasn’t been any progress in American higher education since the early 1990s. However, I would also like to add/ remind that: According to evaluations of many International and American researchers, up to now American higher education is the best in the world.

Delegation of Vietnamese Rectors on a working day at Harvard University in November/ 2008
One more matter I would like to mention in this article: “ If we have read slogan taken the initiative by V.I Lenin “ Learn, learn more, learn forever ” in Vietnam, we can see the slogan for students at New-York University ( America): “ Ask, ask more, ask forever ”. The students of New-York University are always encouraged to learn/ ask as many as possible to equip them with the most well-based knowledge for their own future careers.
2. National University of Art Education is very young in university– established years in the Higher Vietnamese Educational System ( It is established under the Decision No 117/2006/ QD-TTg on 26th May 2006 ). Since being Central Pedagogic College of Music and Painting, scientific research activities have been carried out effectively by group of lecturers. With many years of university’s establishment and development, however, scientific research activities have been attached more importantly than ever, considered as one of highly-feasible great contribution, contributed to improving the educational quality, fast developing of university in the days to come.
3. If anyone has made a study of the scientific research in the section of Vietnamese Art-culture institutions, they will be surprised by witnessing such a Scientific-research passionate and serious atmosphere at Scientific activity conferences, Scientific research project defended conference of National University of Art Education. The lecturers of Art-culture are teachers- artists who are familiar with highly-peculiar work/ thinking of art types. They are artists who are willing to take part in performing/ composing activities effectively, but they are not familiar with scientific research thinking.
It can be said that in Vietnam situation, our artists’ senses/ spirits/ attitudes towards scientific research are good. Nowhere in the section of Vietnamese Culture- Art have I seen such a highly scientific- activity conference: Every member argues together/ opposes directly to make progress, looks at the same objective: for university’s development.
The number of scientific research works of National University of Art Education have increased dramatically over the past time. Not only the official lecturers are taking part in scientific research activities, but also each teacher on probation has at least one scientific research assignment. Moreover, many teachers on probation have abilities to taking part in doing the scientific researches at different levels, different departments in and outside university. So, we agreed to give out the standard of scientific research-indispensable constituent to evaluate the capability/ result of lecturer at National University of Art Education.
4.Besides, thanks to the leaders of Ministry of Education and Training’s , the relevant authorities’ concerns, the expenses for scientific research activities have also increased as 10 times higher than in the past. If the expense for a ministerial- level research subject was about 20 to 30 millions Vietnamese dong / 2 years, it is about 50 to 60 millions dong/ 2 years at the present. Even though our university has defended successfully Scientific research outline at ministerial-level and was allowed to implement scientific research projects at ministerial- level in 2 years with total expenses of about 300 millions Vietnamese dong by MOET ( Ministry of Education and training). In addition, our university‘s outline has been defended successfully/ asserted the position/ prestige of NUAE in Vietnamese Educational system as the first and the only university having scientific research on art education with a lot of big projects with total expenses accounting for hundreds of millions Vietnamese dong.
5.In scientific research, National University of Art Education focus mainly on the feasibilities of applying the results of scientific research into its educational training. Combining scientific research with syllabus design/ writing is one of the ways / strategies more and more affirming the true development of university.
It’s impossible for a university without a system of teaching materials, especially a system of teaching materials with high quality. I confidently affirm that this is a true way receiving much support of great number of lecturers.
6.In short, scientific research activities of National University of Art Education have gained the first stable and promising achievements. In the position of chairman of Scientific and Training Committee, I find that in the days coming we need to overcome difficulties to better implement the scientific research:
· We have to define more clearly who will get much benefit from each scientific research work. Because of limited mental effort, we need to study to make use of it the most effectively/ significantly for our final goal. This work has been started to implement effectively for the past period. It is necessary and oriented to grasp thoroughly this spirit for scientific research activities.
· “ The previous studies/ Overview” in many scientific research works weren’t done well. These are important parts for each scientific work. Each scientific subject needs continuing the results of the previous researchers. The previous studies might have the same objectives of study, but they might also be nearly similar to the objectives of study. On the other hand, each researcher must know how to “ rely/ stand on the shoulders of wise giants”
· We need to implement the scientific research activity better at levels: What problems must be solved at department level? What problems must be solved at University level Scientific Research Council? Many Scientific research problems which should be solved at department –level still have been solved at University level for the past period. Therefore, in the near future, I suggest that scientific research activity at department-level be implemented more effectively. University level problems will be solved by University-level Scientific and Training Council . The Technological science and International Cooperation Department has to examine the researches carefully before reporting to the chairman of Scientific and Training Council on holding the conference of evaluation and acceptance.
7.Scientific research has never been a simple one, otherwise it can be said very complicated and taken a great deal of doing/ mental effort of researcher. However, the starting point with many successes in the past will be the stable foundation for stronger steps/ faster advancements of scientific research at National university of Art Education in the near future.