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Ceremony of Promul gating decision on founding central art teaching University

Monday, April 2, 2007
On May 26, 2006, the Prime Minister has officially signed the Decision on founding Central Art Teaching University whose forerunner was Central Music-Painting Teaching College. Directed by the Ministry of Education and Training, the institution has formally held the ceremony of promulgating the Decision on founding the university by the Prime Minister on October 19, 2006.
Participating the ceremony, on the side of the Ministry of Education and Training, are Mr. Banh Tien Long - Deputy Minister of Education and Training, leaders of concerned departments of the ministry, the participants from Hanoi city, Ha Tay province, Ha Dong town, representatives of universities, institutes, schools, and associated training units, the former leaders of the institution, a number of news reporters from the central and local agencies, and the cadres, teachers, and students of the institution.
At the opening of the ceremony, Mr. Le Van Hoc - Department Head of Personnel Organization Department, promulgated the decision on founding Central Art Teaching University; the professor, DSc Banh Tien Long - Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education and Training, on behalf of the leaders, officially offered the decision to the institution`s leaders;
Mr. Vu Van Hau, Party Committee Deputy Secretary, the Vice-Rector of the institution, on behalf of the institution`s cadres, teachers, and students, expressed the deep thanks to the leaders of the Party, Government, Ministry of Education and Training, concerned branches and units, schools, local authority, formers leaders, teachers and students of the institution who have helped and made contribution to the development of the institution for the past 40 years.
Mr. Vu Van Hau, on behalf of the party committee, cadres, teachers, and students of the institution made promise to the leaders of the Ministry of Education and Training to develop democracy, enhance solidarity strength, and combine forces to overcome all difficulties to successfully complete the assigned tasks for the university`s continuous growing to be deserved as a leading university in the field of art teaching and education in Vietnam. At the end of the ceremony, Mr. Vu Van Hau, on behalf of the university, expressed the thanks to all participants, congratulated, and shared the happiness with the university.