Implementing plans for development and expansion of international co-operation, in the morning of June, 6th 2018, the National University of Art Education had a warm welcome and discussion about a joint training program, schoolarship program with representatives of the Temple University, United States.
At the meeting, Mr. Chang Ho, Lee was a representative of the Temple University, U.S. and Assoc. Prof. Doctor Dao Dang Phuong represented for the National University of Art Education together with leaders of departments.

Both universities' leaders discussed about co-operation, training, scientific research
At the beginning of the meeting, the both sides presented a general overview of the University’s history, training program, and exchange a basic information about development orientation, study and woking conditions; espacially those in the field of international cooperation on education and training. The Temple University is a Temple University is a large university in the United States with many majors in economics, technology, medicine and social sciences, including majors which is the very close to the National University of Art Education such as tourism, music, painting. The two leaders hope to open new exchanges and cooperation opportunities between the two universities.

Leaders of both universities at the Co-operation Forum
The visit of the delegation of Temple University ended well. Hopefully, with the help and assistance of Temple School, students of the National University of Art Eduacation will have more opportunities to develop and enhance the brand and quality of the University's teaching in the field of art education.
Temple Unviversity is one of the most complehensive and diverse universities in U.A. It was established in 1884, an intensive and innovative curriculum, excellent faculty and close cooperation with scientists, professors, and doctors. The Temple University has teached more than 400 programs in Pennysylvania, campuses and three interantional camphus in Rome, Tokyo, Singaporr and London.